Monday, May 11, 2009
Dr Annette M. Gero - Patron
Dr Annette M. Gero
PO Box 398 Neutral Bay,
NSW 2089
1983 Joined The Quilters Guild of NSW
1985 Elected Fellow of the Royal Society for Arts (FRSA London), in recognition of research of historical quilts.
1988 Committee, for Australian Bicentennial quilt exhibition
1996 Faculty, Australian Academy of Decorative Arts, Sydney
1996 Founder and Convenor of the Sydney Quilt Study Group
2000 Work in relation to Australian quilts archived in National Library of Australia
2001 Convenor, Quilt Study Group of Australia
2002 Postgraduate Guest Lecturer, School of Fine Arts, Newcastle University.
2003 Elected Board Member, International Quilt Study Center, Nebraska
2003 Associate Fellow, International Quilt Study Center, Nebraska
2007 Patron, Sydney Quilt Study Group
Annette Gero, one of Australia’s first quilt historians, has been documenting and collecting quilts since 1982. She has travelled widely around Australia giving lectures and exhibitions on the history of quilts. For this work she was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society for Arts (London). She was the first Australian to present a paper on the history of Australian quilts at the American Quilt Study Group Symposium in 1987 (Australian Patriotic Quilts) and at the quilt symposium "In the Heart of Pennsylvania " at the University of Lewisberg, Pennsylvania, USA, on Australian Waggas in 1988. She has also presented papers on her quilt research at the Quilt Study Group of Australia seminars; “Unleashing Collections”, the symposium of the NZ Costume and Textile Section of the Auckland Museum Institute; and at overseas conferences in Edmonton, Canada, New Zealand, France and London, UK. She has also studied quilt conservation and quilt documentation at workshops in the USA. She has published over 80 articles in magazines and journals on Australian quilt history.
She is perhaps most highly recognised for her own quilt collection which as been regarded as a "National Treasure" by the Manly Art Gallery. Her collection contains Australian, English and American quilts which have been exhibited in over 30 exhibitions throughout Australia in Regional Art Galleries, in NSW, Queensland and Victoria and through The National Trust. Her Australian quilt collection has been invited to the International Houston Show (USA) in 2002 and in 2003 to "Mosaiques d'etoffes : a la recherche de l'hexagon" at the Musee des Traditions et Arts Normandy , Martainville, France. In 2006 her quilts were exhibited in France at the textile museum, Musee De L'impression Sur Etoffes, Mulhouse and at the European Quilt Symposium at Ste Marie aux Mines, Alsace. Her first book “Historic Australian Quilts” was published by the National Trust in 2000. Her second book “The Fabric of Society. Australia's Quilt Heritage from Convict Times To 1960” with Kim Mclean is to be published this year.
Letter From Karen Fail
PO Box 398, Neutral Bay, NSW 2089
Dear Members,
It is exciting times for the quilt study groups of Australia.
The Quilt Study Group of Australia (QSGA) was formed by Margaret Rolfe with a small group of enthusiasts in Canberra, ACT. The group exists to promote interest and research into quilting in Australia. Members are committed to the study of quilts both past and present, this study encompassing both the social and historical context in which quilts are made. The group encourages the preservation of significant historical quilts and while not itself having the resources to preserve quilts, will aim to facilitate preservation through appropriate organisations and institutions.
At the recent Australian Council of Quilters meeting, all Presidents of the state guilds agreed in principal to embrace the idea of forming a quilt study group in their state. Currently, ACT, WA, Qld and NSW have active study groups.
Following the British model to some extent, it is proposed that each state guild to form a focus group or sub-committee to maintain the current quilt study group or to form a new quilt study group in their state. Members of each guild would then be able to join in all activities of the quilt study groups and current quilt study group members are encouraged to join their local guild. Most members of the existing quilt study groups are already members of their state guilds and hence would only have to pay one lot of membership fees under the new structure.
To this end, The Sydney Quilt Study Group is being unincorporated as it is brought under the umbrella of the Quilters’ Guild of NSW Inc and the group will be now known as the Quilt Study Group of NSW. It is hoped that each state will name their study group similarly. For NSW members, the Quilters Guild of NSW usually renew membership in on June 1 but have agreed to have memberships paid for at the Quilt Show in Darling Harbour. Contact the guild office on (02)92873737. Other states, please contact your state guild for further information on membership if required.
The aims and objectives of the Quilt Study Group of NSW will not change. It will still continue to be committed to the study of quilts both past and present as stated in the original aims established by Margaret Rolfe and restated at the beginning of this letter.
Currently, as members of the Quilt Study Group of Australia, you receive a newsletter, which provides you with information regarding events and news. From now on matters relating to the Quilt Study Group of NSW will be published in The Template and all other state quilt study groups will be able to publish information in their state guild’s newsletter. Everyone will have access to information on the web via the Quilt Study Groups of Australia blog at Here you will find information on what’s on, what’s been on, reports on research, interesting quilt finds and other matters of interest to quilt study group members. We are hoping this is a vibrant blog with lots of information for and from the Australian quilt study groups.
It is intended that the biennial seminar which has proved so popular each year since its inception in Canberra will continue with the responsibility for the seminar moving from state to state. In 2008, The Southern Queensland Quilt Study Group hosted a very successful seminar with well over 100 participants from just about every state in Australia. It is hoped that there will be another seminar in 2010/2011. You will be able to find all information, registration forms etc regarding the next seminar on the blog.
Currently, ACT, NSW and Qld have embraced this new structure, while WA, SA, Vic and Tas have agreed in principle and are investigating their options. NT is making enquiries regarding the availability of quilts to study in their state before committing to forming a quilt study group. It is suggested that a committee of 4-5 people can happily organise the activities of a quilt study group and I am delighted to report that the current committee of the Sydney Quilt Study Group are continuing as the committee for the Quilt Study Group of NSW. Karen Fail – Convenor, Liz Bonner – Minute Secretary, Janet Marwood – Treasurer, Sandra Lyons – Reporter and Dr. Annette Gero remains the Patron of the Quilt Study Groups of Australia.
This will be the last formal letter you will receive from the Quilt Study Group of Australia or the Sydney Quilt Study Group. From now on you can find information about your quilt study group’s activities in your guild’s newsletter or on the blog. Put the address in your favourites list.
Warm regards and best wishes,
Karen Fail and the committee of the new Quilt Study Group of NSW.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
A Conversation with Rain

Fairfield Art Gallery & Museum,
Corner Oxford and The Horsley Drive, Fairfield. Phone (02) 9609 3993
Floor talk with Helen Godden

Helen Godden & one of her pieces -Screeching Cockatoo
Floor Talk with Helen Godden 11.30 am, 10th June at the Quilters’ Guild of NSW Quilt Show at Darling Harbour. Helen will have several of her prize-winning quilts on display and will be talking about her design inspiration through to finished work.
Drawing, painting and designing have always been an integral part of Helen Godden’s life. Now that she has discovered that she can ‘draw’ with a sewing machine, her artistic life has developed a new dimension, taking her to unexpected heights. With a background in clothing design and production, Helen also completed commissioned paintings for clients. It was not until 2000 that Helen began her interest in quilting when her mother, Pat, asked Helen to design a stained-glass style quilt featuring Australian birds and flowers. Soon after, Helen discovered free-motion quilting and a whole new artistic dimension opened up to her. “A constant in my life has been the need to be creative and design on a daily basis. My mind is constantly thinking design and colours, and creating images in my head that must be allowed to flow from the imagination to the paper,” says Helen.
Helen is a multi-award winner with her quilts receiving awards both nationally and internationally. She most recently won the Master Award for Innovative Artistry at the ‘Quilts: a World of Beauty’ exhibition in Houston in 2005 for Mekong Gold. Now well-known for her free-motion machine quilting, Helen confesses that she has completely succumbed to the lure of working with fabric.
Soft Furnishings at Old Parliament House