Tuesday, March 31, 2020

QSG of NSW talk about Ralli Quilts by Catherine Porter on 23 May 2020

Come along to the23rd May Quilt Study Group talk about Ralli Quilts, the traditional dowry quilts made by poor rural women from southern Pakistan and western India.  Made from old clothing and sewn into quilts for everyday use, and some for ceremonial purposes, rallis are stunning, colourful expressions of creativity and craft.

Learn about a genre of quilts not well known here in Australia and the three styles of ralli – patchwork, applique and embroidered.

Catherine Porter was smitten at her first sight of a vintage ralli quilt which she just had to buy.  Many, many hours of research followed this purchase. On the 23rd of May Catherine will share this fascinating information and show us more than a dozen vintage rallis she now has in her collection. If you have any, do bring them along to show us.

The talk will start at 2pm at a new venue, the PLC room 1 on Level 2 of the Powerhouse Museum, 500 Harris Street, Ultimo. The MAAS cafe near the entry to the Museum and the Junction Cafe on Level 1 are both open on the weekend. For access information, including reduced parking fees nearby, see:

Entry to the Powerhouse Museum is free if you are coming to the QSG talk.

Please encourage everyone you know who is interested in quilts to come along to the Quilt Study Group of NSW talks. Quilt NSW Guild members pay $5 and non-guild members pay $10 for the talk. Check the Quilt NSW website or the latest Template Newsletters for more details.