The schedule of talks for the Quilt Study Group in
2019 is now set. They will take place at 2pm at The Glover Cottages, 124
Kent Street in Millers Point.
The first talk will be given by Dr Annette Gero on
Saturday the 9th of March. It is titled “War and
Pieced - Extraordinary Geometric Masterpieces and Appliquéd Quilts made
from Military Fabrics” and coincides with the display of her
military quilt collection at The Cowra Regional Art Gallery.
On Saturday the 13th of July Anita Brown
will talk to us about her background, show us her quilts, and in the
process tell us how she started creating Modern quilts. She will also cover her
interest in ‘the Modern movement’ and tell us about the Modern Quilt Guild in
The last talk for the year will be on the 7th of September.
Chris Timmins, the Template Newsletter editor, has agreed to talk to us about
her experience as a country quilter and quilt teacher. She will explain how she
encouraged a new generation of quilters, including her school students, to
enter their quilts into the Sydney Quilt Show and in the process give us tips
on how start young people on their own sewing and quilting journey.