Postponed till further notice. Talk for QSG of NSW by Catherine Butterworth'My Approach to Desiging Prize Winning Quilts'. Starts 2pm at The Theatrette, Level 2, The Powerhouse Museum, 500 Harris Street Ultimo.
Talk for QSG of NSW by Catherine Porter on Ralli Quilts. Starts 2pm at PLC Room 1, Level 2, The Powerhouse Museum, 500 Harris Street, Ultimo.
About the Quilt Study Group of Australia
The aim of the Quilt Study Group of Australia is to promote interest and research into quilting in Australia. Members are committed to the study of quilts past and present - this study encompassing the social and historical context in which quilts were made. Every two or three years, the QSGA runs a seminar. Funding for hosting the seminar is available by applying to the committee of the QSGA.